AC -- Collections


Internationale Titelabkürzungen von Zeitschriften, Zeitungen, wichtigen Handbüchern, Wörterbüchern, Gesetzen, Institutionen usw.: ITA = International Title Abbreviations of Periodicals, Newspapers, Important Handbooks, Dictionaries, Laws, Institutions, etc. Otto Leistner. Ed. Maria Ratermann. 7th, enlarged ed. Osnabrück: Dietrich, 1997. 3 vols. 2368 p. 27 cm. ISBN 3-89186-028-5: DM 890.00, DM 1500.00 (with CD-ROM version)


Internationale Titelabkürzungen von Zeitschriften, Zeitungen, wichtigen Handbüchern, Wörterbüchern, Gesetzen, Institutionen usw.: ITA = International Title Abbreviations of Periodicals, Newspapers, Important Handbooks, Dictionaries, Laws, Institutions, etc. Otto Leistner. 7th, enlarged ed. Osnabrück: Dietrich, 1997. 1 CD-ROM + user's guide. ISBN 3-89186-029-3: DM 1100.00, DM 1500.00 (with print ed.)


Periodical Title Abbreviations: Covering: Periodical Title Abbreviations, Database Abbreviations and Selected Monograph Abbreviations . . . Ed. Leland G. Alkire. Detroit [et al.]: Gale Research. 29 cm. Each ed. consists of 3 vols.: vol. 1. By abbreviation; vol. 2. By title; vol. 3. New periodical title abbreviations. ISSN 0737-7843

10th ed. (1996). ISBN 0-8103-5653-8 (vol. 1): $247.25, £165.00; ISBN 0-8103-5654-6 (vol. 2): $247.25, £165.00; vol. 3??

The two versions of ITA under review are the 7th printed edition and the first CD-ROM edition. This publication is rapidly expanding in size. In 1993, 3,758 new abbreviations were added; in 1996 there were 6,900 new entries. Regrettably, there is no longer a preface. Users of the CD-ROM version have the choice of English, German or Italian language search screens. There are numerous access points: a comprehensive full-text index, rotated single word and phrase indexes, an abbreviations index, a title index, an editor index, and an ISBN/ISSN index.

There appear to be some inconsistencies and gaps in this publication. For example, a search under the German abbreviation Hrsg. (i.e. editor) yielded over 845 entries in which no editor is listed in the editor field. Other types of searches also resulted in numerous false drops. Some of the search possibilities do not immediately make sense: why would one wish to search an abbreviations index by editor or by title? It is pleasing to note that the CD- ROM version can be networked at no extra cost. A comparison of this publication with Leland Alkire's Periodical Title Abbreviations (Gale), which lists 159,000 abbreviations (14,900 new ones in 1996), shows that the latter is possibly more encompassing but has many weaknesses and errors, at least with respect to German abbreviations. Users will ultimately have to consult both publications to obtain full information. [sh/ldl]


Internationale Bibliographie zur deutschsprachigen Presse der Arbeiter- und sozialen Bewegungen von 1830-1982 [International Bibliography of the German Language Press of the Labor and Social Movements, 1830-1982]. Alfred Eberlein. 2d, updated and expanded ed. Publ. for the Universitätsbibliothek Bochum. München [et al.]: Saur. 30 cm. ISBN 3-598-23280-2: DM 3,480.00

Bibliographie [Bibliography]

Vol. 1. A-Freie Post: 00001-09207. 1996. xiii, 414 p. ISBN 3-598- 23281-0

Vol. 2. Freie Presse-Leinenzwirner: 09208-18881. 1996. xiii p., p. 415-829. ISBN 3-598-23282-9

Vol. 3. Leipzig-Rotdruck: 18882-27050. 1996. xiii p., p. 831-1214. ISBN 3-598-23283-7

Vol. 4. Rote-Z: 27051-37852. 1996. xiii p., p. 1215-1671. ISBN 3-598- 23284-5

Register [Indexes]

Vol. 5. 1. Personen [Personal Names], 2. Titel nach Orten und geographischen Begriffen [Titles, by Geographic Heading] 1996. v, 374 p. ISBN 3-598-23285-3

Vol. 6. 3. Länder [States], 4. Betriebszeitungen nach Orten [Company Papers, by City], 5. Betriebszeitungen nach Firmen [Company Papers, by Company]. 1996. v, 321 p. ISBN 3-598-23286-1

Vol. 7. 6. Titel nach Körperschaften [Titles, by Corporate Body]. 1996. v, 362 p. ISBN 3-598-23287-X

Vol. 8. Stich- und Schlagwörter, Verzeichnis der Standorte, Abkürzungsverzeichnis [Key Words, Location Listings, Key to Abbrevaitions]. 1996.v, 409 p. ISBN 3-598-23288-8

This monumental bibliography of German language publications pertaining to the labor movement and other social movements was initially compiled in the German Democratic Republic. The author had to work under circumstances of heavy political repression and interference and was prevented from including magazines that did not conform to state policy and from making references to the political orientation of the publications that he did include. The revised 1996/97 edition departs substantially from the first edition. There are now 8 volumes, the first four of which consist of an alphabetical listing of approximately 37,000 titles. The other volumes consist of indexes, but they unfortunately do not contain the guide to organizations that was included in the first edition. Individual entries contain detailed bibliographical information and a list of repositories that hold each item described. Entries pertaining to serials include information about preceding and succeeding titles, monographic or serial supplements, and the political leanings of the publication. The information concerning the frequency and duration of the serials is often incomplete.

As impressive as this publication is, its value is ultimately circumscribed by the manner in which it was compiled: libraries were asked to complete questionnaires. Aiga Seywald's bibliography of the publications of social movements Die Presse der sozialen Bewegungen 1918-1933 (Essen: 1994, see RREA 1:158) shows that by engaging in a close examination of individual collections, much higher quality bibliographical work can be achieved. [wu/ldl]


Catalogo dei periodici italiani: Con il rapporto 1997 sulla produzione di periodici in Italia [Catalog of Italian Periodicals: With a Report on 1997 Italian Periodical Production]. Roberto Maini. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica. 28 cm.

1997. By Giuliano Vigini. xviii, 1082 p. ISBN 88-7075-468-5: Lit. 290,000

Roberto Maini's bibliography of Italian journals, newspapers and yearbooks began in 1980 and has already attained the status of a quasi national bibliography. The editors seeks to ensure accuracy by way of a questionnaire sent to all publishers. Only in the main section, arranged alphabetically by subject, does one find complete bibliographical information (including some e- mail and Internet addresses). Two additional listings, arranged by place of publication and by publishers, offer alternative means for locating a serial title, but the treatment of corporate bodies is inconsistent: some are listed by acronym, others by the full name of the organization. There is also a list of titles that have ceased publication, although the date of cessation is not always provided. [sh/ldl]


Die Jugendpresse des Nationalsozialismus [The Juvenile Press of National Socialism]. Tatjana Schruttke. Köln [et al.]: Böhlau, 1997. 175 p. 23 cm. (Medien in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 9) p. 145-175: "Bibliographie der Jugendpresse" [Bibliography of the Juvenile Press]. ISBN 3-412-07897-2: DM 48.00

This study of the German-language juvenile press during the National Socialist period is actually a monograph that describes the historical significance of this body of literature and concludes with a bibliography of 57 serials that were published during this time span. Although the author attempts to include detailed bibliographical and repository information for each serial, some of the information is incomplete. It appears that the author was only able to examine 29 of these serials. In ten cases no repository for a title is given and in several instances it is not clear why the title was included in the bibliography. To be fair to the author, much more research needs to be undertaken on this specialized topic within the overall field of National Socialism, before a more substantial bibliography can be compiled. [wu/ldl]


La presse alsacienne du XXe siècle: répertoire des journaux parus depuis 1918 [The Alsacian Press of the 20th Century: Catalog of Journals Published Since 1918]. Claude Lorentz. Strasbourg: Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, 1997. xi, 565 p. 27 cm. (Publications de la Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, 11), p. 451-484: "Notices biographiques des principaux journalistes et hommes de presse en Alsace au XXe siècle" [Biographical notes on the main journalists and press figures of the 20th century]. ISBN 2-85923-029-7: FF 370.00 (Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, Service des Publications, B.P. 1029, F-67070 Strasbourg, fax [33 3] 88 25 28 17)

The University of Strasbourg in the Alsace region of France has, since its founding in 1871, housed a virtually complete depository set of regional printed materials, and in particular of newspapers; this is hardly surprising since the region belonged to Germany from 1871 to 1918, and the bulk of the collection consists of German-language materials. The University of Strasbourg has undertaken a massive preservation microfilming project in conjunction with the creation of this catalog. The description of the 432 titles exceeds the expectations of the usual union list of newspapers. It contains all variations of the title (often from the original French to the later German), background on the press and editors, physical description and other information such as the original price, general description of the contents, cross references to the University's original holdings and microfilm copy, and indexes. Some of the biographical information on important journalists and members of the press could have been expanded after investigation of the press archives, but this catalog is nonetheless recommended. The gradual decline of the regional press is evident in the figures from 1918 to 1996: in 1926 there were around 120 titles, in 1996 just 42. [sh/sd]


Gesamtverzeichnis der Kongreß-Schriften (GKS) in Bibliotheken der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Schriften von und zu Kongressen, Konferenzen, Kolloquien, Symposien, Tagungen, Versammlungen und dergleichen, mit Besitznachweisen = Union List of Conference Proceedings in Libraries of the Federal Republic of Germany. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin- Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut. Ceased with 12 (1997). ISSN 0172-9810

Vol. 12 (1997). 52 microfiches 1:48 + user's guide. ISBN 3-87068-012-1: DM 48.00

Before the development of online union catalogs, this title was vital not only for interlibrary loan purposes but also for bibliographic research. It is the result of diligent work by many people over the years. As more libraries began to collaborate and participate in online catalogs it made increasingly less sense for libraries to send paper copies of title information to Berlin for the continuation of the union list. After German reunification it was determined that the union list would cease with the present 12th microfiche edition. It contains 103,794 citations through August 1997. Users should heed the "Hinweise zur Benutzung" (user instructions) in section 1.3 which details the inconsistent coverage for German proceedings (from conference year 1971) vs. foreign (from 1959) and international (from 1967). Beginning with 1971, coverage is consistent for all three categories. Even as the utility of this union list wanes, it will remain among the basic standard information tools for years to come. [sh/sd]

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