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. Horst Leuchtmann. 5th rev. and expanded ed. Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler, 1998. xvii, 347 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 3-476-01569-6: DM 98.00Wörterbuch Musik: Englisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Englisch = Dictionary of Terms in Music
The first three editions of this work appeared under the title Langenscheidts Fachwörterbuch Musik Englisch, changed in the fourth edition (published by Saur) to Wörterbuch Musik/Dictionary of Music. In the fifth edition (published by Metzler), Horst Leuchtmann attempts to gather terms from all areas of music. An impossible task, of course--which is why we look forward to forthcoming editions.
The present edition contains more than 25,000 German and English entries, which is approximately 5,000 more than the previous edition. Variations in British and American usage are noted. Untranslatable words or phrases (e.g., "Scotch catch") are briefly explained.
This work begins with a thorough explanation of the typography, symbols, and method of presentation used in the book. A supplement offers a very practical survey of the basic concepts of musical theory and harmony as well as the German, British and American vocabulary for them. It also includes depictions of the most important musical instruments and their component parts. There is a list of the authentic and the popular names for select musical compositions.
There are many multilingual dictionaries of musical terminology, but the following title is especially noteworthy: Terminorum musicae index septem linguis redactus (Bärenreiter, 1978; reprint Kubon & Sagner, 1990). Based on a list of basic concepts also compiled by Leuchtmann, it is a co-publication of the International Musicological Society and the International Association of Music Libraries and contains some 7,000 lexical entries in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, and Russian. [mr/jbr]
[Brockhaus-Riemann Music Dictionary: In Four Volumes and a Supplementary Volume]. Ed. Carl Dahlhaus and Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht. 2d ed. 1995. Mainz: Atlantis-Musikbuch-Verlag, 1998. 4 vols. and suppl. vol. 19 cm. (Serie Musik Atlantis, Schott, 8400) ISBN 3-254-08400-4: DM 148.00Brockhaus-Riemann-Musiklexikon: in vier Bänden und einem Ergänzungsband
The original hardback edition of this work (1978-79) was widely reviewed, as were the two paperback editions (see RREA 1:408). This is a third printing and bears the imprint of Schott and "Atlantis-Musikbuchverlag," a subsidiary of Schott. Advertising for this edition unfortunately does not make clear that there is no change in content between the second and the third editions. Nor has the separately published supplement been updated, although, after four years, there is clearly a need for greater currency. It is to be hoped that the next edition will at last integrate the main set and the supplement into one sequence. [sh/jbr]
. Rudolph Angermüller. Kassel [et al.]: Bärenreiter. 24 cm
The Mozart-Bibliographie is based on the holdings of the International Foundation Mozarteum's Bibliotheca Mozartiana in Salzburg, which attempts to collect comprehensively on Mozart and his world. The first volume of the Mozart-Bibliographie is found in the 1975 edition of the Mozart-Jahrbuch and lists publications through 1969. The bibliography was kept up-to-date by four further volumes, which reported on five-year periods. The present volume covers only four years because the 1992 Mozart-Jahrbuch, in an effort to make available the tremendous number of publications that had appeared in 1991 (the 200th anniversary of Mozart's death), covered six years.
The entire enterprise lists a total of 18,695 titles, of which 6,398 appeared in the initial volume. The volume under review covers 3,945 titles of monographs and articles, omitting newspaper reviews and other "insignificant" publications. The entries are not annotated. For some strange reason the pagination of the monographs is not indicated. It would have been helpful if the titles of articles in less familiar languages had been annotated or at least translated.
Until now, the design of this reference work called for two separately numbered alphabets, one for titles that appeared during the reporting period, another for late entries. In the present volume the two alphabets have been retained, but now the entries are in a single numeric sequence. There are indexes by person, place and keywords, and a Köchel listing. [mr/jbr]
[Johann Joachim Quantz: Thematic-Classified Catalog: QV]. Horst Augsbach. Stuttgart: Carus-Verlag, 1997. xxiii, 333 p. ill. 27 cm. (Carus, 24.025) ISBN 3-923053-47-9: DM 148.00Johann Joachim Quantz: thematisch-systematisches Werkverzeichnis: QV
J. J. Quantz (1697-1773) was the court composer to Frederick the Great. An extensive preface provides an excellent overview of the present status of Quantz manuscripts and is followed by a listing of holding libraries, a table of abbreviations, and a bibliography. The thematic listing of works is organized by instrumentation into groups QV (or "Quantz-Verzeichnis") 1 through 7. Within these categories Quantz's compositions are arranged by key. Works of questionable authorship and attributions are placed at the end of each major category as an appendix.
An entry in the QV consists of (1) the category number (e.g., QV 1) and in some cases a sub-category , e.g., QV 1: 1 or QV 3: 1.1. Alas, the editors were not consistent in numbering the works, as the numeral following the colon refers sometimes to a specific composition and at other times to a sub-category.
Further information under the entries includes (2) the title of the work and its key, (3) the incipits of the individual movements and the number of measures in them, (4) location of the manuscript sources, (5) imprints from the eighteenth century, (6) catalogs which contain the work, (7) annotations about the work, and (8) nineteenth- and twentieth-century editions.
The appendix to the QV contains (1) a biography of Quantz written by himself in Italian in 1762, (2) a list of works by Quantz found in a 1784 index from the New Palace in Potsdam, (3) a thematic catalog of works by Frederick the Great (in facsimile), (4) facsimiles showing the development of Quantz's musical notation, (5) a list of the major copyists (with examples in facsimile), (6) facsimiles of the title pages of 18th-century editions, (7) an index of names, and (8) addenda.
The Quantz-Verzeichnis should find a place in every library with a music collection. Unfortunately it was necessary to provide in each copy a list of corrigenda and addenda. [mr/jbr]
[Rock: The Ultimate Guide to Rock Music; 1000 Artists and Bands from the Beginnings to Today; More Than 3000 CD Recommendations]. Transl. from English: The Rough Guide to Rock. Ed. Jonathan Buckley. Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler, 1998. 926 p. ill. 24 cm. (Rough guide) ISBN 3-476-01542-4: DM 58.00Rock: der ultimative Führer zur Rockmusik: 1000 Künstler und Bands von den Anfängen bis heute; mehr als 3000 CD-Empfehlungen
Included here because the translation is augmented by articles on German rock bands, musicians, and topics (e.g., Die Ärzte, Die Fantastischen Vier, Helmut Zerlett, Austro-Pop, Krautrock), this is the first German version of the online Rough Guides (http://www.roughguides.com). Entries are written by fans rather than paid writers and include selective discographies. Coverage seems sometimes driven by the originality of the text rather than the importance of the musician or topic. Not quite to the standard of "ultimate" (subtitle notwithstanding), this guide is nevertheless a good value. [beh/sl]
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