CB -- Education


Bibliographie zur Entwicklung von allgemeiner und beruflicher Bildung in Mittel- und Osteuropa = Bibliography on the Development of Education and Training in Central and Eastern Europe. Brigitte Stenzel. Publ. for the Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung and the Fachinformationssystem (FIS) Bildung. Berlin: VWB, Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung. 21 cm. ISSN 1434-2426

One of the major areas of concentration in the bibliographic documentation of the German Institute for International Pedagogical Research (Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung) is education in Central and Eastern Europe. Since the political changes in this region have also led to fundamental changes in educational systems, a new bibliography has been created to cover this area. It is to be an annual publication.

The main section contains 1,003 sequentially numbered entries, including both monographs and articles. The entries are numbered consecutively and are subarranged into five groupings: (1) educational activities of international organizations and conferences; (2) aspects of education in international comparison; (3) education in specific countries and geographic regions; within countries there are generally 10 subsections provided, ranging from educational systems to social work; (4) migration, minorities and language policy; (5) additional literature not directly concerning education. This last group of 30 titles is included to provide historical, cultural/political, social, and ethnic background information.

The entries are annotated with English translations of the titles; titles in eastern European languages--Cyrillic script is transliterated--are also translated into German. Subject entries are given in both German and English. Each entry ends with the shelf mark of the DIPF library.

There is an index of authors and editors as well as subject indexes for both the English and German subject headings, though a title index is lacking. References from the index are to the accession numbers in the main section.

A comparison of entries in this work and CD-Bildung (co-published by the DIPF) shows that the Bibliographie includes titles not covered by CD-Bildung. CD-Bildung, however, has the advantage of including abstracts for many titles. The unique material in the Bibliographie and the clarity of its layout, however, make it an essential and user-friendly reference source for anyone interested in the field. [sah/jc]

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