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[Women's Research International: Documentation and Bibliography]. Wien: Verein für Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Praxis.Sections also publ. by Fischer-Verlag, Erlangen. 21 cm.ISBN 3-901229-06-X (Verein . . . ); ISBN 3-89131-074-9 (Fischer). (Verein für Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Praxis, Postfach 12, A-1090 Wien, fax [43 1] 317 49 29)Frauenforschung international: Dokumentation und Bibliographie
Part 2/3: Regionen Asien, Ozeanien/Pazifik, Inselreiche, -länder und -kontinente [The Regions of Asia, Oceania/Pacific, Islands]. 1997. lix, 796 p. ISBN 3-901229-03-5: ÖS 896.00, DM 128.00
A detailed discussion of earlier volumes of this bibliography, which dealt with Africa and the Americas, "enthusiastically recommended" them--see RREO 1995 (also RREA 1:445). The current volume covers literature (books, articles, essays, etc.) on women in Asia, Oceania, and Australia from approximately 1970 through 1996, leaving the core literature, Europe, and Parts 7/8 for addresses, bibliographies, didactic materials, etc. still to be published. Numerous older titles of particular importance have been included, though coverage for the later years peters out. The compilers' goal was to include as many publications as possible, especially those from the countries themselves. Since the physical item could not always be reviewed, the bibliographic quality sometimes suffers. On the positive side are the annotations for titles that do not convey the content of the work and translations of titles published in Arabic. The system of organization, as in the earlier volumes, is complex to the point of being confusing. Since there is no subject index, the user's only form of subject access is the classification system, along with the numerous see references which appear when topics overlap. These formal defects, however, do not critically detract from the value of Frauenforschung International. [sah/vh]
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