CC -- Sociology


Bibliographie zur deutschen Soziologie [Bibliography of German Sociology]. Publ. for the Informationszentrum Sozialwissenschaften (IZ) der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI), Bonn. Matthias Herfurth. Opladen; Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag. 23 cm

Vol. 1. 1978-82 (1998). 834 p. ISBN 3-531-13169-9: DM 98.00
Vol. 2. 1983-86 (1998). 902 p. ISBN 3-531-13170-2: DM 98.00
Vol. 3. 1987-91 (1998). 937 p. ISBN 3-531-13171-0: DM 128.00

For the five year period 1978-82 covered in volume 1 the bibliography lists 14,180 entries; volumes 2 and 3, each covering four-year spans, list 14,894 and 15,575 titles respectively. Included are mainly German-language publications but also those in other languages by sociologists from German-speaking countries. The work continues the identically named and now out of print bibliography that covered the period 1945-77 (and that listed only 9,922 titles for the entire 33 year period). It is not clear why the new work, despite having a new editor and publisher, begins with a new volume numbering.

Included are monographs and especially articles and reviews from anthologies and 365 journals. The range of journals is very broad but a complete listing is not provided. Not covered are institutional publications such as working papers, conference reports of a non-scholarly nature, brochures and other "grey" material such as unpublished dissertations and newspaper articles. The entries are taken from the database SOLIS (short for Sozialwissenschaftliches Literatur-Informationssystem), though--oddly--some titles (including standard ones) have been omitted from the printed work.

Primary access is provided through the layout of the main section: (1) fundamentals and methods of social science, general sociology; (2) special areas of sociology; (3) social psychology. These main sections are further subdivided into 29 chapters, which average twenty pages in length and enable easy browsing. Indexes provide added access by author, institution, and subject.

Some aspects of this work merit criticism. For example, in an attempt to address the overlap with related disciplines (politics, pedagogy, psychology, economics), the editors have included many entries of dubious relevance to sociology; more serious is the inadequate structure of the subject index, with a need for more cross-references and deeper indexing of personal names; finally, the book is cheaply made and will not wear well.

This title is recommended, especially for its browsability and to compensate for the weakness of coverage of non-English sources by Sociological Abstracts (and Sociofile, its digitized equivalent). [jpl/jc]


Handwörterbuch zur Gesellschaft Deutschlands [Dictionary of German Society]. Ed. Bernhard Schäfers. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 1998. viii, 770 p. ill, maps. 25 cm. ISBN 3-8100-1758-2: DM 98.00

This is a delightful work, containing 67 long articles (averaging eleven pages) that provide a theoretical introduction, followed by a historical overview of the German aspects of each topic, and finally by an update to the present day. There is no other work in sociology that synthesizes the discipline in this way, and it will maintain its value for experts and others interested in the field for a long time to come.

Brief bibliographical references are included, and the subject index is perfectly adequate, if not comprehensive. A strength of the work is the inclusion of tables, graphs and other graphics. The articles offer extensive comparisons between Germany and other European countries.

The articles encompass the standard sociological topics: age, population, income, elites, the family, society, youth, living conditions, mass communication, marginal groups, social inequity, the welfare state, social structure, values, etc. Additionally there are several topics such as traffic, views of the future, access to information, and data security, which are rarely covered in other sociological reference works. The editors have made an effort to include current topics: Germany and Europe, the information society, international interrelationships, and globalization. Societal developments in eastern Germany are also discussed, with special attention to the post-1990 period.

Both editors have previously published a number of reference works and collections in the area of sociology. The authors of the essays are all well-known sociologists, and the material is presented from diverse points of view rather than a single "school." This will be a standard work in sociology. [jpl/jc]


Frauenforschung international: Dokumentation und Bibliographie [International Women's Research: Documentation and Bibliography]. Wien: Verein für Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Praxis. 21 cm. Also published in part by Fischer-Verlag, Erlangen. ISBN 3-901229-06-X (Verein ...) ISBN 3-89131-074-9 (Fischer) (RLI-Buchversand, Büro Kreiner, Gerhardusgasse 26/7, A-1200 Wien, fax [43 1] 330 19 76)

Parts 7/8: Bibliographien, Literatursuche, Datenbanken, elektronische Kommunikation, Adressen von Expertinnen, Zeitschriften, Gruppen und Organisationen, Bildungsarbeit und Didaktik, Medienkatalog [Bibliographies, Literature Searches, Databases, Electronic Communication, Experts' Addresses, Journals, Groups and Organizations, Education and Pedagogy, Media Catalog]. Margarete Maurer and Barbara Smetschka. 1998. lv, 855 p. ill. ISBN 3-901229-08-6: ÖS 896.00, DM 128.00

Parts 7/8 of this directory comprise the second section to be published (parts 2/3, Regions of Asia, Oceania/Pacific, Island Countries, were published in 1997 and reviewed in RREO 98-1/2, and part 1, Europe, is still in preparation). In addition to its bibliographies, it provides information on electronic communication with Internet addresses, addresses of archives, libraries, and documentation centers, as well as bookshops and distributors. The main portion of the volume (which should be offered in updatable form on the Internet rather than in print) is an impressive collection of names and addresses of experts, journals, groups, projects, and organizations around the world. Section 8 is devoted to education and media theory. An index with extensive coverage of specialists, journals, groups, and organizations completes the volume. This is a rich source for women's studies, especially in the Third World, although one should mention that it possesses a certain chaotic quality and an excessive structural apparatus that probably arises from the attempt to organize it. [sh/mjc]


Reader's Guide to Women's Studies. Eleanor B. Amico. Chicago; London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1998. xxx, 732 p. 29 cm. ISBN 1-884964-77-X: $125.00, £95.00

The flood of publications on women's studies that began over thirty years ago is not yet under bibliographic control. Now, in addition to comprehensive bibliographies and numerous specialized bibliographies, we have here the welcome publication of a critically selective, descriptive, and evaluative bibliography, such as could be accomplished only in North America, where over two hundred experts could easily be found to sift through the English-language literature. Regrettably, only monographs are included, although it must be admitted that by and large monographs cover the field. The alphabetical arrangement is usefully supplement by an index. Topics include activism, arts, economics, feminist theory, men, music, and violence and abuse. Restricted to English-language publications. [sh/mjc]


Studi sulla donna: bibliografia interdisciplinare 1992-1996 [Women's Studies: Interdisciplinary Bibliography, 1992-1996]. Fiesole: Casalini Libri, 1996. 172 p. 21 cm. (Bibliografie, 2) ISBN 88-85297-12-9: Lit. 18,000. (Casalini Libri, Via Benedetto da Maiano 3, I-50014 Fiesole)

The second in a useful series of thematic bibliographies of new Italian publications (see RREA 3:40-42), this work lists almost 800 monographs in women's studies that have been published in Italy between 1992 and 1994. Some entries are supplemented by brief annotations. There are three indexes (author, title, series). [sh/mjc]


Editoria femminista in Italia [Feminist Publishing in Italy]. Piera Codognotto and Francesca Moccagatta. Roma: Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, 1997. 87 p. 17 cm. (Enciclopedia tascabile, 12) ISBN 88-7812-037-5: Lit. 12.000. (Editrice Bibliografica, Viale Vittorio Veneto 24, I-20124 Milano)

This small volume introduces the area of Italian women's studies publishing. It covers women's publishing houses, the feminist press since 1970 (with an annotated list of current journals as well as a listing of ceased titles), series by and for women, women's studies in Italy, women's studies on the Internet, and women's bookstores. An appendix includes relevant libraries, documentation centers and archives, as well as a selective bibliography. (See RREA 3:68 for a review of another title in the same series.) [sh/mjc]

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