CK -- Law and Administration


Bayerisches Jahrbuch: Auskunfts- und Adressenwerk über die Behörden [Bavarian Yearbook: Information and Addresses for Government Agencies]. München [et al.]: Saur. 25 cm. Includes diskette with title: Gemeindedaten [Information on Localities]. ISSN 0174-8386

77th ed. (1998) x, 534 p. ISBN 3-598-23648-4: DM 198.00

The review in RREO 1996 (RREA 3:211) discussed the extensive changes in the organization and layout of the 1997 edition of this yearbook. Now, in response to years of complaints, its index has been expanded from three pages in the last edition to almost 100 in this one; it includes approximately 14,000 listings for personal names and 4,500 for subjects. In addition to the usual updates, the editors have reinstated the section on institutions and agencies of the federal government deleted in 1997. [sah/vh]

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