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[Germany, Switzerland, Austria]. Ed. Helmut Dau. Berlin: Berlin-Verlag Spitz. 23 cm. Vol. 3, 1967-74 (1977) published by Verlag Runge, Bielefeld. ISSN 0931-7686Bibliographie juristischer Festschriften und Festschriftenbeiträge: Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich = Bibliography of Legal Festschriften Titles and Contents
This serial bibliography, now up to nine volumes, indexes more than 130 years of legal festschriften published in German-speaking countries. (See RREA 1:490 for a brief review of volume 8.) Volume 9 shows a sharp increase in the number of festschriften titles published over the past three-year reporting period: up to 229 from the 191 of the previous period, with a corresponding increase in the number of individual articles (7,825), but a trend towards shorter article length.
Retaining the effective organization of previous volumes, volume 9 includes two alphabetical indexes of the legal areas covered (one in English and one in German). Access to the contents is provided through indexes to authors, personal subjects, places (except Germany), and keywords. There is also a cumulative listing of the festschriften themselves from 1864 to 1996. [sh/jb]
. David Robertson. London: Europa Publications, 1997. vi, 301 p. 24 cm. ISBN 1-85743-023-9: £55.00A Dictionary of Human Rights
This dictionary contains approximately 200 page-long articles ("annotated dictionary") intended for individuals who need background information about laws, judicial rulings, treaties, conventions, etc., dealing with basic rights. Country/regional attention is devoted solely to the US and Europe. An appendix gives the texts of human rights conventions and constitutions.
Although there is nothing comparable on the market, a number of factors detract from the usefulness of this work. Important terms that would give some context (e.g., international law, constitution, convention) are omitted; the focus is exclusively on Anglo-American theoreticians; and coverage of international organizations is limited to the international legal aspects of human rights implementation to the neglect of the political considerations thereof. Also, few non-governmental organizations are mentioned, and only the NAACP is given as an example of a civil rights movement. Furthermore, convenient access to the material contained in the work is lacking, since there is no overview and no bibliography. Despite its claim, this dictionary is useful primarily to specialists, thus making it most suitable for university and special libraries. [jpl/jb]
[Human Rights Report: On Civil and Human Rights in Germany]. A project of the Humanistische Union, the Gustav-Heinemann-Initiative, the Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie and the Bundesarbeitskreis Kritischer Juragruppen. Ed. Till Müller-Heidelberg. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt. 19 cm. (rororo: aktuell)Grundrechte-Report: zur Lage der Bürger- und Menschenrechte in Deutschland
Now in its second year, this report offers a review of the year's developments in the area of human rights in Germany from a left-liberal perspective, covering exemplary cases, reports of trends, and analyses, providing a picture often at variance with that presented in the mass media. The report follows the outline of Germany's constitution. The text of each paragraph of the constitution is cited as an introductory context for the articles dealing with the human rights issues raised by that particular paragraph. In all, there are 42 five-page articles, which often include references to other literature or information sources and frequently present differing points of view. Access to the information in this publication is provided by a list of the addresses of civil and human rights organizations, short descriptions of the publishing institutions, an index to authors, a list of abbreviations, and a subject index.
This specialized publication is unique. Though Germany is also treated in Amnesty International's annual report, coverage is nowhere as deep or extensive as in the publication under review. [jpl/jb]
[Bibliography of Business and Corporation Law]. Ed. Hildebert Kirchner. Berlin: De Gruyter. 23 cm. (Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht: Sonderheft)Bibliographie zum Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht
This work is a cumulation and continuation of the bibliographies collated by the author until 1992 for the Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht.
An earlier volume, published in 1988, spanned the years 1950 to 1985. Based on the holdings of the library of Germany's Federal Supreme Court, it covers monographs, dissertations, essays in festschriften, and articles from all the relevant German legal periodicals. It is organized by a system of classification that makes it very useful to lawyers and legal scholars. The limitation to German-language materials is a serious drawback, though comprehensive international coverage, even in a specialized area, would not be feasible. Author and keyword indexes provide additional access. Highly recommended. [krb/hsb]
. Brussels: Landmarks. 30 cm. (Landmarks SA, av. de Tervuren 402, B-1150 Bruxelles, fax [32 2] 779 95 63)The Directory of Online European Information: All You Need to Know about Online European Union Related Information
Derived from a 50-page chapter on the European Union in the same publisher's yearly European Public Affairs Directory (EPAD), this directory is also to appear annually. It covers EU databases, commercially supplied databases, Internet-accessible sources (taking up the largest part of the book), CD-ROMs and diskettes, as well as addresses of vendors, gateways, and Eurostat Data shops organized by country. Although this work provides more detail than the EPAD, there is a great deal of overlap. The Internet information is also available as a list of links at http://www.landmarks.be/EPAD/links.htm. For commercially available databases one does better with the standard listings. Purchase is not recommended. [sah/hsb]
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