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Personennamen des Mittelalters: PMA; Namensformen für 13.000 Personen gemäß den Regeln für die Alphabetische Katalogisierung (RAK) = Nomina scriptorum medii aevi = Personal Names of the Middle Ages. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. Ed. Claudia Fabian. 2d enl. ed. München: Saur, 2000. xxiii, 696 p. 30 cm. ISBN 3-598-11400-1: DM 248.00 [00-1/4-031]
The first edition (1989-1992) of this name authority listing included almost 4,300 Greek, Latin, and Arabic names from 500 to 1501; this number has more than tripled to over 13,200 in the present edition. Even so, new names are always appearing--these can be searched in a continuously updated Personennamendatei [personal names authority database] maintained by the Deutsche Bibliothek (German National Library). Because the number of columns per page has been expanded to five, all this new information is still managed within a single volume, for which users can only be grateful.
The principles of selection and form are the same as for the first edition. For Greek names, the Latin form is used; in all other cases, it is the language in which the author most often wrote. The point is made that an authority listing is a better guarantor of consistency and uniformity than the application of a comprehensive set of rules. The generous use of cross-references ensures easy access to the main entry.
A much-appreciated improvement in this edition is the addition of birth and death dates, membership in religious orders, significant works and bibliographic references. This all makes the work of additional research considerably easier.
The wealth of information offered in this volume will aid catalogers seeking consistent description of manuscripts, as well as those searching in online catalogs, especially in non-German catalogs. The use of the particular language of the author in the formulation of names distinguishes it internationally as a pioneering reference work. [ch/sl]
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Last update: September 7, 2001 [RD]
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