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AB -- Bibliographies and Catalogs
Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae Monacensis [Catalog of Codices of Manuscripts in the Munich Library]. Aquis Mattiacis [Wiesbaden]: Harrassowitz. 25 cm [05-1-004]
Section 5. Die deutschen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München: editio altera [The German Manuscripts of the Bavarian State Library in Munich: Second Edition].
Part 8. Die mittelalterlichen Fragmente Cgm 5249-5250 [The Medieval Fragments, Cgm 5249-5250]. Ed. Karin Schneider and Elisabeth Wunderle. 2005. 280 p. ISBN 3-447-05087-X: EUR 72
The Bavarian State Library in Munich holds some 33,500 manuscripts from Western Europe, 17,000 in Latin and 10,700 in German, as well as approximately 3,000 fragments. A six-volume catalog of the German medieval manuscripts was completed between 1970 and 1996. The title reviewed here complements that work by cataloging German fragments dating from the Middle Ages.
The description of fragments is complicated by the fact that the beginning words of the text used to identify it are generally missing. Moreover, research interest in these texts is limited to paleography or examples of vernacular writings. Also, the majority of fragments are neither old nor in German, and instead contain pages from liturgical manuscripts that were used as binding materials.
Many of the fragments described in this volume are already documented; some have been printed in various editions or in separate publications. Still, scholars will make some new discoveries. For example, Cgm 5249/58 b provides additional evidence in German of the Christmas carol, Dies est leticie; Cgm 5250/8 h contains a 7-page unknown life of Mary from the 14th century; and Cgm 5250/80 offers Heinrich Steinhöwel’s German version of Boccaccio’s De claris mulieribus.
The fragments are described in great, occasionally repetitive detail following the guidelines of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [German Research Council]. Unfortunately, there are no illustrations, although the web site of the Marburger Repertorien at http://www.manuscripta-mediaevalia.de does contain three of the 282 Munich fragments. [sl/jb]
Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae Monacensis [Catalog of Codices of Manuscripts in the Munich Library]. Aquis Mattiacis [Wiesbaden]: Harrassowitz. 30 cm. [05-1-005]
Section 2. Katalog der griechischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [Catalog of the Greek Manuscripts of the Bavarian State Library]
Vol. 1. Codices graeci Monacenses 1-55 [Greek Codices in Munich 1-55]. Ed. Viktor Tiftixoglu. 2004. 387 p. [14] leaves. ill. ISBN 3-447-04745-3: EUR 112
Vol. 3. Codices graeci Monacenses 110-180 [Greek Codices in Munich 110-180]. Ed. Kerstin Hajdú. 2003. 417 p. 30 leaves. ill. ISBN 3-447-04560-4: EUR 108
Vol. 10,1. Die Sammlung griechischer Handschriften in der Münchener Hofbibliothek bis zum Jahr 1803: eine Bestandsgeschichte der Codices graeci Monacenses 1-323 mit Signaturenkonkordanzen und Beschreibung des Stephanus-Katalogs (Cbm Cat. 48)[The Collection of Greek Manuscripts in the Munich Court Library up to the Year 1803: A Collection History of the Greek Codices in Munich 1-323 with a Concordance of Call Numbers and a Description of the Stephanus Catalog (Cbm Cat. 48)]. Ed. Kerstin Hajdú. 2002 [2003]. 176 p. ISBN 3-447-04522-1: EUR 58
The volumes under discussion here represent part of a long-term, ten-volume project of the Bavarian State Library to re-catalog some 650 Greek manuscripts in the Library’s collection, the largest in Germany. The individual entries contain a descriptive title and identification line, followed by a content description with identification of the texts contained in the codex with references to older or modern print editions, collections, and secondary literature. Both Greek and Latin versions of the titles are given. Codicological information follows the content description and includes details about placement into folios, locations, custodians and claimants, descriptive material, scribe, provenance, writing style, illumination, binding, and preservation status. Indexes provide access to the codices by incipits, authors, works, persons, places, and things. Each of the two catalog volumes contains 72 or 73 high-quality illustrations.
The companion volume by Kerstin Hajdú details the acquisition and cataloging history of the collection from 1558 to 1803 and provides a concordance to the call numbers of the titles. A small portion of the manuscripts originate in the Middle Ages; most were written in Italy in the 16th century. Some 182 of the 323 manuscripts came to Munich in 1571 from the Johann Jakob Fugger Library in Augsburg; another 21 came from the Tübingen Court Library as war booty in 1635. [ch/jb]
Codices illustres: Die schönsten illuminierten Handschriften der Welt, 400 bis 1600. [Codices illustres: The World’s Most Beautiful Illuminated Manuscripts, 400 to 1600]. Ingo F.Walther and Norbert Wolf. Special ed. of the 2001 ed. Köln: Taschen, 2005. 504 p. ill. 30 cm. ISBN 3-8228-4747-X: EUR 19.99 [05-2-260]
This large-format art book, originally issued in 2001, is now being reissued at a lower price as part of Taschen-Verlag’s 25th anniversary jubilee. The main section of this work is composed of descriptions of ca. 200 illuminated manuscripts, chiefly European but also including one Aztec and 23 Islamic manuscripts. Each discussion includes a description of the manuscript’s contents, its time and place of origin, and remarks on iconographic, stylistic, and historical aspects of the illuminations. For each manuscript there are at least two full-color illustrations, one of which is, in most cases, a full-page plate. There are general introductory chapters on the development of the codex book form, on the value and function of the book in late antiquity and the medieval period, and on the material aspects of codex production. Other topics covered include: centers of manuscript illumination, art patrons and their collections, book thieves, book prices, and Islamic book illustration. As its subtitle suggests, the work’s intended audience is the general reader and the interested layman rather than the art historical scholar. It cannot be regarded as a complete overview (however brief) of the history of book illumination, because there are too many important omissions (e.g., the 9th-century centers at St. Gall or the 11th-century centers in Winchester and Flanders). Nevertheless the book is more than just a collection of beautiful pictures and contains valuable discussions of selected works in their stylistic and art historical contexts. [pb/jc]
Die mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Signaturengruppe B in der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Düsseldorf. [The Medieval Manuscripts with Designation Group B in the Düsseldorf University and State Library]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 30 cm. [05-2-261]
Part 1. Mss. B 1 to B 100. Eef Overgaauw, Joachim Ott, and Gerhard Karpp. 2005. 406 p. (Kataloge der Handschriftenabteilung, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Düsseldorf, 1). ISBN 3-447-05072-1: EUR 86
This is the first volume of a series of detailed catalogs intended to provide "deep access" to the 386 medieval manuscripts in the Düsseldorf library. The Library’s collection of older documents came about as a result of the secularization of the monasteries in 1803, and the manuscripts it contains are primarily from monastic houses in Düsseldorf, Marienfrede, Altenberg, Kentrop, Essen, and other congregations formerly located on the right bank of the Rhine. In the mid 19th century these manuscripts were divided into seven groups (A-G) of which Group B (theological manuscripts) with nearly 220 titles is by far the largest. The present project describes only the medieval manuscripts from this group. The thorough and accurate entries are models of codicological description, and the information on editions, printings, and literature is reliable and current. Th ere are some discrepancies in the descriptions and references among the three contributors, but these are minor. The indexes are very detailed, and a look at the entries in the subject index (which includes topics such as books and writing, book decoration, and book binding) shows that manuscript catalogs can provide stimulating reading not only for philologists, but for art historians and medieval material culture researchers as well. It is to be hoped that equally high-quality descriptions of the remaining manuscripts will follow soon. [ch/jc]
Scriptoria in medieval Saxony: St. Pancras in Hamersleben. Aliza Cohen-Mushlin. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2004. 251 p. ill. 35 cm. ISBN 3-447-04622-8: EUR 98 [05-2-262]
In this work Israeli art historian Aliza Cohen-Mushlin investigates six medieval manuscripts, which she ascribes to the 12th-century scriptorium of the Augustinian abbey of Hamersleben. The manuscripts, which are now dispersed in various libraries worldwide from New York City to Moscow, include the first volume of the Hamersleben Bible, a psalter, two new testaments, a Virgil, and a collection of rhetorical texts. The author used paleographical and art historical methodologies to identify the relationships among the manuscripts. Through a detailed analysis of the scripts and the textual decorations, she identified 16 distinct hands. For the four Bible manuscripts, distinctive characteristics of the script and iconography led her to ascribe much of content, both textual and artistic, to a single scribe from Hamersleben. The two non-religious manuscripts, however, appear to have been the collective work of a large number of hands. Besides the detailed description and analysis of the six manuscripts, this work also discusses the relationship of the Hamersleben scriptorium with other monastic houses in Saxony and argues for active artistic and intellectual relationships among the religious institutions in the area. A final section contains an edition of a book list contained in the Virgil manuscript. The list’s 93 titles suggest how extensive the complete library in Hamersleben must have been, and it would have been interesting if the author had included a comparison with collections of other libraries of the time. This work is an important contribution to the history of books and libraries of the 12th century, and its large double-column text format and numerous illustrations and textual examples remind one of the actual Bible manuscripts of the period. [vp/jc]
Die Codices Palatini germanici in der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg (Cod. Pal. germ. 182-303) [The Codices Palatini germanici in the Heidelberg University Library (Cod. Pal. germ. 182-303)]. Ed. Matthias Miller and Karin Zimmermann. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2005. xxxix, 576 p. ill. 31 cm. (Kataloge der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 7). ISBN 3-447-05030-6: EUR 98 [05-2-263]
This volume continues the project of providing a modern descriptive catalog of the German manuscripts in the former Palatine Library. The first volume of that project, published in 2005, contained the catalog of codices 1-181 (see RREA 10:3). The manuscripts described in the present volume are medical and alchemical, reflecting the interests of the Palatine dukes in the 16th century. They constitute a unique collection of medicinal literature of the late medieval and early modern period and offer the opportunity for detailed research into the history and transmission of medical prose and prescription literature of this period. The descriptions of the manuscripts generally follow the guidelines of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [German Research Council]. However the presentation of each manuscript’s contents represents a compromise between complete and summary description. Although descriptive headings were recorded for every prescription in every manuscript, it was not possible to include these in the print work due to their large number. Therefore, for each manuscript the descriptions include a diplomatic title entry, information on the arrangement of the manuscript, a summary of the prescriptions contained, and a list of all prescription authors and patients mentioned. Access to this information is provided via indexes of persons, places, and subjects, including special indexes of prescription authors and patients, and a separate subject index of diseases, parts of the body, and treatment methods.
To compensate for the summary information on individual prescriptions in the print version, more detailed descriptions are being made available online in .pdf format ( http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2005/5709/). In the .pdf version detailed listings of all the prescriptions in each manuscript replace the summary data presented in the print edition. However, this means that the user of the print work must consult the .pdf to get a complete picture of the individual texts. The searchable manuscript database Manuscripta mediaevalia (http://www.manuscripta-mediaevalia.de) also contains the extended descriptions, although not in the final edited form of the .pdf and print versions. [sl/jc]
Die ottonischen und frühromanischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek. [The Ottonian and Early Romanesque Manuscripts in the Bavarian State Library]. Elisabeth Klemm. Wiesbaden: Reichert. 32 cm. (Katalog der illuminierten Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek in München, 2). ISBN 3-89500348-4: EUR 220 [05-2-264]
[Vol. 1.] Textband [Text]. 2004. 274 p.
[Vol. 2.] Tafelband [Plates]. 2004. 268 p.
Previously published volumes in the series Katalog der illuminierten Handschriften…
Die vorkarolingischen und karolingischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [The Pre- and Carolingian Manuscripts of the Bavarian State Library]. Katharina Bierbrauer. 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1990. ISBN 3-88226-481-0: EUR 210
[1.] Textband [Texts]
[2.] Tafelband [Plates]
Die romanischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [The Romanesque Manuscripts of the Bavarian State Library]. Elisabeth Klemm. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1980-1988. 32 cm.
Part 1. Die Bistümer Regensburg, Passau und Salzburg [The Dioceses of Regensburg, Passau, and Salzburg] 2 vols. ISBN: 3-88226-059-9: EUR 114.53
Part 2. Die Bistümer Freising und Augsburg, verschiedene deutsche Provenienzen [The Dioceses of Freising and Augsburg and Various German Provenances] 2 vols. ISBN: 3-88226-432-2: EUR 245.42
Die illuminierten Handschriften des 13. Jahrhunderts deutscher Herkunft in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [The Illuminated Manuscripts of the 13th Century of German Origin in the Bavarian State Library]. Elisabeth Klemm. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1998. 32 cm. (…4) ISBN 3-89500-060-4 (set): EUR 168 (see RREA 4:8)
[1.] Textband [Texts]. 317 p.
[2.] Tafelband [Plates]. 236 p. ill. only
Die ottonischen und frühromanischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek describes all the illuminated manuscripts now in the Bavarian State Library that were produced in German-speaking areas of Europe in the 10th and 11th centuries. Issued as the second volume of the Library’s series of catalogs of its illuminated holdings, it fills a chronological gap between the catalog of the pre-Carolingian and Carolingian manuscripts, published in 1990, and the catalog of the Romanesque manuscripts, published in two parts in the 1980s. (The Library’s manuscripts from French, Italian, and other non-German cultural areas will be described in a separate volume.) Elisabeth Klemm’s approach to describing and analyzing these manuscripts is art-historical. She applies stylistic and thematic criteria to determine the place of origin of each manuscript as well as the relationships between the manuscripts and scriptoria of the period. Using her extensive knowledge of medieval book illumination Klemm is able to assign all but a few items to a specific scriptorium or region. In her thorough discussions of each manuscript she gives a precise summary of current scholarship, including paleographical research, so that her own judgments can be easily distinguished from those of other scholars. Not surprisingly the bulk of the manuscripts (176) are of Bavarian origin, while 24 are from the German Southwest, 22 are from the Middle Rhine region, and four are from the North, including two manuscripts from Corvey, one from the monastery at Gandersheim (containing the oldest surviving text of Hrotsvit’s works) and one of Lower Saxon origin (a richly illustrated book of the gospels). It is to be hoped that a catalog of the Bavarian Library’s illuminated manuscripts from the non-German areas will follow soon and that it will be as concise and content-rich as this one. [hsp/jc]
DraufSichten completes Eduard Isphording’s catalog of the collection of 20th-century book arts at the Germanische Nationalmuseum Nürnberg. This publication complements his 1999 book Seiten-Ansichten [Side-Views] (see RREA 6:12), which was devoted to imprints from the second half of the 20th century and included 1,057 entries. The current publication has 414 entries covering the beginning of German book arts through the end of World War II. The catalog is organized alphabetically by press, includes a knowledgeable introduction, indexes, and a glossary of technical terms, and has impressive descriptions and bibliographic references. Although the publication is beautifully produced, especially the color illustrations, the collection described is by no means comprehensive, and the index is surprisingly incomplete. Important entries lack the corresponding page or catalog number, and there are similar gaps in the bibliography and directory. The complete collection index should be available to bibliophiles via the library’s web site (www.gnm.de). [ab/rg]
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