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Clavis foliorum periodicorum theologicorum. Benelux: CFPTh. [Index to Theological Journals. Benelux]. W. Audenaert with G. Ginneberge and H. Morlion. Leuven: Bibliotheek van de Faculteit Godgeleerdheid, 1994. liii, 439 p. 24 cm. (Instrumenta theologica, 13). ISBN 90-73683-13-0: FB 1800.00. (Bibliotheek . . . , St.-Michielsstraat 6, B-3000 Leuven)
This is the first publication of a multinational effort to comprehensively catalog theological journals on a national or regional basis. 222 titles (mostly Christian, a few Jewish) published in the Benelux countries are represented, including predecessor titles of the 79 still being published as of 1987. It includes, along with general characterizations, content listings for individual volumes as well as special issues and supplements. The depth of detail and organization found in the entries suggests that its sister bibliographies for France and Germany (the latter under compilation since 1965) will be excessively slow to appear. [sh/gw]
Orbis liturgicus: repertorium peritorum nostrae aetatis in re liturgica; Who's Who in Contemporary Liturgical Studies; répertoire des chercheurs contemporains en études liturgiques. Anthony Ward and Cuthbert Johnson. Roma: C.L.V. Edizioni Liturgiche, 1995. xxxviii, 926 p. 24 cm. (Bibliotheca Ephemerides liturgicae: subsidia, 82) (Instrumenta liturgica quarreriensia, 5). ISBN 88-86655-02-9: Lit. 95,000
This bio-bibliography focuses on scholars of religious liturgy who have published at least once since 1962 (the beginning date of the Second Vatican Council). It is organized in two parts, the first of which provides brief personal data and extensive bibliographies for 209 scholars who completed a questionnaire for the compilers. Part 2 provides similar personal data for 1,730 additional scholars, but instead of a bibliography, lists reference sources and anthologies where a scholar's works have been cited or may be found. More complete information from these and other researchers is being solicited for a forthcoming second edition. This work's principal weakness, however, is the lack of subject access to the covered titles. [sh/gw]
Die Bibelsammlung der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart [The Bible Collections of the Württemberg State Library, Stuttgart]. Section 1. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. 29 cm. ISBN 3-7728-0845-X
Vol. 3. Griechische Bibeldrucke [Greek Printed Bibles] Ed. Stefan Strohm with Peter Amelung . . . 1984. xlvii, 455 p. ISBN 3-7728-0848-4: DM 896.00 (subscription), DM 1141.00 (individual volume)
Die Bibelsammlung der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart [The Bible Collection of the Württemberg State Library, Stuttgart] Section 2, Deutsche Bibeln [German Bibles]. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. 29 cm. ISBN 3-7728-0845-X
Vol. 1. Deutsche Bibeldrucke 1466-1600 [German Bibles 1466-1600] Ed. Stefan Strohm with the collaboration of Peter Amelung . . . 1987. lvi, 480 p. ISBN 3-7728-0851-4: DM 829.00 (subscription), DM 1040.00 (individual volume)
Vol. 2. Deutsche Bibeldrucke 1601-1800 [German Bibles 1601-1800] Ed. Stefan Strohm with the collaboration of Peter Amelung . . .
Pt. 1. 1601-1700. 1993. xxxvi, 338 p. ISBN 3-7728-1542-1: DM 731.00 (subscription), DM 919.00 (individual volume)
Pt. 2. 1701-1800. 1993. p. 339-880. ISBN 3-7728-1543-8: DM 731.00 (subscription), DM 919.00 (individual volume)
Pt.. 3. Addendum. 1993. p. 883-1394. ISBN 3-7728-1544-8: DM 731.00 (subscription), DM 919.00 (individual volume)
The Württemberg State Library in Stuttgart possesses one of the world's great Bible collections, one which in its 9,000 editions and 14,000 volumes encompasses all time periods and most languages, and is unsurpassed with regard to German editions from the 15th through 18th centuries. The first volumes to appear of a projected five-section, 17-volume catalog document this preeminent part of the collection, as well as editions in ancient and modern Greek. The Greek volume includes well-researched indexes of text evidence and provenance as well as persons and subjects, while the German volumes, due to the exhaustiveness of the collection they cover, provide a nearly complete history of the German Bible up to 1800. All volumes display a ground-breaking and standard-setting thoroughness in the bibliographic descriptions and indexes as well as in such features as a catalog of German text variations in 1001 passages over a 250-year period. Such quality is matched by the presentation, which is remarkably handsome and shows very few printing errors. Despite the high price, larger academic libraries as well as many theological libraries will find this set quite useful. [th/gw]
Lutherbibliographie Verzeichnis der gedruckten Schriften Martin Luthers bis zu dessen Tod [Luther Bibliography: Bibliography of the Printed Works of Martin Luther to the Time of His Death]. Josef Benzing; Helmut Claus. Baden-Baden: Koerner. 25 cm. (Bibliotheca bibliographica Aureliana, . . . )
Vol. 1. 2d. ed. 1989. xi, 438 p. (. . . , 10). ISBN 3-87320-010-4: DM 200.00
Vol. 2. 1994. 457 p. (. . . , 143). ISBN 3-87320-010-4: DM 280.00
The first edition of this bibliography of Martin Luther's writings, translations (other than the Bible) and edited works published during his lifetime appeared in 1966. A supplement, containing additional entries, corrections, and expanded descriptions came out in 1982. The present volumes represent a second edition, with vol. 1 comprising a slightly corrected 1966 volume with the index removed, and vol. 2 going well beyond the 1982 supplement in updating the whole work in light of recent advances in Luther scholarship. Vol. 2 also adds a section covering Luther's Bible translations (between 1522 and 1546) and includes a new index to both volumes. This work has carried great authority from its initial appearance (the "Benzing numbers" it introduced remain the principal means of identification for Luther editions), and though an integration of the two volumes would have greatly facilitated its use, this updated version remains an indispensible tool. [sab&sh/gw]
Mohammed und Der Heilige Koran = Mohammed and The Holy Qur'ân. Comp. Marc-Edouard Enay. Hamburg: Verlag im Orient-Antiquariat, 1995. 223 p. 33 cm. ISBN 3-00-000094-1: DM 338.00, DM 860.00 (Special ed. with a facsimile Qur'ân page). (Verlag . . . , Blankeneser Landstr. 53, 22587 Hamburg, Fax (49 40) 863287)
This bibliography is a selective guide to editions (including translations) of the Koran, as well as books about the Koran, the life and sayings of Mohammed, and Islam in general. Its 300 entries, grouped according to the four broad categories just indicated, cover recent publications as well as rare older books (including a few manuscripts). Annotations are in German and English, as are the subject indexes; other indexes provide access to authors, translators, and places of publication. The entries show a high level of accuracy and scholarship, marred only by inconsistent transliteration of the Arabic names and titles, which makes searching needlessly difficult. Even so, bibliophiles will find that this handsomely printed book provides a wealth of information, as will students of Islamic civilization, who can trace in many of its entries the development of Islamic studies in Europe. [ww/gw]
Lexikon deutsch-jüdischer Autoren [Encyclopedia of German Jewish Authors]. Archiv Bibliographia Judaica. Ed. Renate Heuer with the collaboration of Andrea Boelke-Fabian . . . München [et al.]: Saur. 25 cm. ISBN 3-598-22680 (Complete)
Vol. 4. Brech-Carle. 1996. lii, 452 p. ISBN 3-598-22684-5: DM 228.00
Volumes 1-3 of the Lexikon deutsch-jüdischer Autoren were fully reviewed in IFB 95-1-059 (see abstract in RREO 95-1-059). The current volume 4, completed in 1996, contains 67 authors, with last names beginning with B or C. The criteria for inclusion and the format of the entries (both problematic) parallel the earlier volumes. The slow progress of this project indicates that the editors should again consider the suggestion to exclude information about famous authors, such as Hermann Broch, Max Brod, Elias Canetti, etc., already available in other, reliable bibliographies. [sh/msc]
Bibliographica Judaica: Verzeichnis jüdischer Autoren deutscher Sprache. [. . . : Directory of Jewish Authors Writing in German]. Comp. Renate Heuer. Frankfurt [et al.]: Campus-Verlag. 25 cm. ISBN 5-593-33060-1 (Complete work)
Vol. 4. Ergänzungen [Addenda] 1996. 199 p. ISBN 3-593-33434-8: DM 98.00
The title of this bibliography, Bibliographia Judaica, is somewhat misleading. The contents are more accurately described by the subtitle "Directory of German-speaking Jewish Authors," to which one must add a further qualification: these are authors listed in the names file of the Bibliographia Judaica archive. The current index volume supplements the previously published 3-volume bibliography and includes corrections and additions to the earlier volumes, 228 new name entries with profession, dates and places of birth and death. There are name and pseudonym indexes. [sh/msc]
Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in den Archiven der neuen Bundesländer [Sources on Jewish History in the Archives of the New Federal States]. Ed. Stefi Jersch-Wenzel and Reinhard Rürup. München [et al.]: Saur. 25 cm
Vol. 1. Eine Bestandsübersicht [A Survey]. Comp. Andreas Reinke and Barbara Strenge with the collaboration of Bernd Braun and Nathan Sznaider. ISBN 3-598-22441-9: DM 248.00
Although over the past two decades there was an explosion of publications in Federal Republic of Germany in the area of Jewish history, nothing comparable can be said of the former German Democratic Republic. This deficiency was the result of political conditions, lack of interest, and other difficulties, such as limited access to the archives where the materials were located. Shortly after unification, in an attempt to remedy this situation, the Leo Baeck Institute organized a project to describe collections in the new states of the Federal Republic. This first volume--completed with amazing speed--contains an inventory of some 300 archives with source material for Jewish historical study. The entries include the address of the archive, contact person, hours of operation and the availability of finding aids. There are indexes of personal names, places, and institutions. Details about the holdings themselves vary from entry to entry, with more complete information for smaller collections. Inventories for larger collections, such as those in major state and city archives, are currently in preparation and will be published separately as part of this project. [sh/msc]
Jüdisches Leben in Westfalen und Lippe: eine Bibliographie [Jewish Life in Westphalia and Lippe: A Bibliography] Comp. Ulla Ehrlinger with the collaboration of Hermann Hermes . . ., Kulturforum Warburg e.V. Warburg: Hermes, 1995. 329 p. 21 cm. (Warburger Schriften, 20). ISBN 3-922032-53-2: DM 29.80. (Hermann-Hermes-Verlag, Marktstr. 6, 34414 Warburg)
In its present, provisional form, this bibliography would not have been reviewed, but for the fact that it belongs to the series of regional bibliographies about German Jewry discussed in RREO 95-3-370 through 373. It covers 240 locations in Westphalia and Lippe with some 2500 monographs and articles. The titles were gathered by surveys of municipalities and relevant organizations, and supplemented with material from existing bibliographies, such as the Nordrhein-Westfälische Bibliographie. One hopes that for the promised revised edition, the editors will consider adding a map of the region and also rectify some of the bibliography's present deficiencies, such as the lack of an index and inconsistencies in the table of contents. [sh/msc]
Literatura o evreiakh na russkom iazyke, 1890-1947: knigi, broshiury, ottiski statei, organy periodiceskoi pechati; bibliograficheskii ukazatel' = Literature on Jews in Russian, 1890-1947. Ed. V. E. Kel'ner and D.A. El'iashevich. Peterburgskii Evreiskiji Universitet; Rossiiskaia Natsional'naia Biblioteka. Sankt-Peterburg: Gumanitarnoe Agentstvo "Akademicheskii Proekt", 1995. 678 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 5-7331-0009-5: DM 72.00 (Kubon & Sagner, München)
This unannotated bibliography of Russian-language monographs and journal articles about Jews published in Russia and the former Soviet Union deserves brief mention because of the length of the time span covered and the large number of titles included: 6,203. It supplements two existing bibliographies: Sistematicheskii ukazatel' literatury o evreiakh na russkom iazykie so vremeni vvedeniia grazhdanskago shrifta (1708 g.) po dekabr' 1889 g. published in 1892, and the 1970 publication Russian Publications on Jews and Judaism in the Soviet Union, 1917-1967. The introduction includes two 30-page articles by the editors, one about Russian Jewish culture and the other covering Russian Jewish publishing between 1860 and 1945. In 1994, the editors published a guide to Russian and Baltic archives for researchers of Jewish history. These two recent publications indicate a growing interest in Jewish culture and new possibilities for conducting research in the former Soviet Union. [sh/msc]
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