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CB -- Education
Bestandskatalog der deutschen Schulbücher im Georg-Eckert-Institut erschienen bis 1945 [Catalog of the Holdings of German Textbooks Published up to 1945 in the Georg-Eckert-Institut]. Ed. Gisela Teistler and Kerstin Schattenberg. Hannover: Hahn. 24 cm. (Studien zur internationalen Schulbuchforschung, ...). [02-1-127]
Pt. 1. Lese- und Realienbücher, einschließlich Fibeln. Stand: 1 Aug. 1997 [Readers and Fact Books, Including Primers. Status: Aug. 1, 1997]. 1997. 397 p. (..., 95). ISBN 3-88304-295-1: EUR 20.00
Pt. 2. Geschichtsbücher und -atlanten. Stand: 1. März 1999 [History Books and Historical Atlases. Status: March 1, 1999]. 1999. 297 p. (..., 102). ISBN 3-88304-302-8: EUR 15.00
Pt. 3. Geographie- und Staatsbürgerkundebücher, einschließlich geographischer Schulatlanten. Stand: 1. Januar 2001 [Geography and Civics Books, Including Geographical School Atlases. Status: January 1, 2001]. 2001. 275 p. (..., 107). ISBN 3-88304-307-9: EUR 15.00
Textbooks occupy a special place in the world of books—because of governmental policies they must be purchased and used. In spite of their importance to the state and in the lives of citizens, they are treated as stepchildren by bibliographers. Even the practices of the two German national libraries leave much to be desired: only selected or revised editions are collected and listed. A decreasing number of bibliographies of textbooks have appeared in Germany since the end of World War II, and it is thus a pleasure to see this printed catalog of the holdings of the Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung [Georg Eckert Institute for International Research on Textbooks]. The compilers concentrate on the so-called “opinion-forming” subjects, those which shape the national ideology and culture. The books cited are German-language publications printed between 1871 and 1938. Although a chronological index is lacking, indexes of the titles, authors and corporate authors, publishers, types of schools, and regions provide access to practically everything a user could want. Two special indexes in part 1 list all the primers and collections of poetry. Part 2 has an index to historical atlases; part 3, an index to geographical atlases. Although this title is not a general bibliography, but rather the catalog of a particular collection, it is a decidedly valuable reference work. [us/mjc]
Deutsche Schulbücher aus Siebenbürgen und anderen Regionen des heutigen Rumänien, erschienen bis 1945: Bibliographie von Lese-, Realien-, Geographie-, Geschichts-und Staatsbürgerkundebüchern [German Textbooks from Transylvania and Other Regions of Present-Day Romania, up to 1945: Bibliography of Readers, Fact Books, Geography, History, and Civics Texts]. Ed. Gisela Teistler, with an essay by Walter König on the school system of the Transylvanian Germans. Frankfurt am Main: Diesterweg, 1996. 123 p. ill. 24 cm. (Studien zur internationalen Schulbuchforschung, 86). ISBN 3-88304-286-2: EUR 10.00 [02-1-128]
This bibliography can be considered a supplement to the Bestandskatalog der deutschen Schulbücher im Georg-Eckert-Institut erschienen bis 1945 (see RREA 8:196). The essential difference is that this bibliography includes, in addition to titles from the Georg-Eckert-Institut, those from other, predominantly Romanian, libraries, as well as citations from other bibliographies. As in the Bestandskatalog, citations are grouped by subject area and presented in a single numbered list. There is excellent access via several indexes. A documentary supplement contains reproductions of title pages and excerpts from tables of contents and texts relating to Transylvania. A check of randomly selected titles indicates that this work contains a number of titles (or editions of titles) not listed in the German national bibliographies for the corresponding period. It is recommended to those with a special interest in this subject. [us/jc]
Promotionen und Promotionswesen an deutschen Hochschulen der Frühmoderne [Doctorates and the Doctoral System at German Universities in the Early Modern Period]. Ed. Rainer A. Müller. Köln: SH-Verlag, 2001. viii, 196 p. ill. 25 cm. (Abhandlungen zum Studenten- und Hochschulwesen, 10). ISBN 3-89498-106-7: EUR 29.80 [02-1-129]
This work contains 12 presentations from a symposium held in June 1999, sponsored by the Geschichts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt [History and Social Sciences Faculty of the Catholic University of Eichstätt]. The goal of the symposium was to collect basic data and source material on the early modern doctoral system at German universities. The first presentation provides an overview of the subject in broad outline, including some statistical data; the second deals with political dissertations in the 17th century, and the third discusses the resources of the Internet database Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachraum erschienenen Drucke des 17. Jahrhunderts [Index of 17th-Century German-Language Publications] as a tool for bibliographic control of 17th-century German theses. The remaining nine contributions discuss various aspects of the doctoral system at specific universities (Freiburg im Breisgau, Halle/Saale, Jena, Helmstedt, Altdorf, Göttingen, Erlangen Vienna, and Duisburg). They present information on source material, literature, and doctoral procedures at these universities, as well as on bibliographical access to their dissertations. It would be sensible to expand this research to other universities of German-speaking areas. This would facilitate the creation of a highly desirable complete bibliography on this subject. [sh/jc]
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